As unhealthy as drinking alcohol can be, it’s a social activity that’s become so ingrained in our culture that it’s practically impossible to avoid in adulthood.
Unfortunately, it does come with its downsides, the major one being the headache you’ll wake up to in the morning.
But, with hundreds of years of drinking culture also came hundreds of years of natural remedies for the worst of hangovers.
Don’t party too hard though, everything is best when taken in moderation, be it alcohol or the remedies for the aftereffects of it.
We’re not here to promote toxic drinking habits, just some simple solutions for the mornings after a long night out on the town.
That being said, hangovers aren’t exclusive to those who drink from sunrise to sunset, and just about anyone, especially those who don’t drink regularly, can and will experience it.
If you do feel hungover, keep in mind that it’s your body telling you you’ve had one pint too many, so maybe just tone things down a bit next time you’re cracking open a cold one with the boys.
Drink responsibly and follow all the safety tips for alcohol consumption, but when things do go south, remember that you may just have the cure in your cupboard, rather than having to drive to the pharmacy.
What being „hungover“ actually means
Consumption of alcohol in great quantities can be fun and enjoyable up to a certain point, and it’s not uncommon to spend an entire night out without it ever catching up to you.
But, with that much in your system, the body will be working overtime to remove those toxins from your bloodstream, with the liver taking the brunt of the impact.
When there’s too much for the liver to process, the excess that remains leads to dehydration, lack of nutrients, low blood sugar levels, and an electrolyte imbalance.
All these things combined can create a number of different symptoms, ranging from headaches and dizziness to vomiting, nausea, and just overall fatigue.
Staying ahead of the curve
The best way to cure a hangover is to never have one in the first place, but if that were so easy, you probably wouldn’t be reading this article.
Responsible and moderate drinking is the obvious solution, but at social events, especially those infested with heavy drinkers, it’s hard to not give in.
What you can do, however, is consume large amounts of water/electrolyte drinks before, during, and after the drinking session.
This way you’ll reduce the risk of dehydration, allowing your liver to do its job at maximum capacity.
A solid meal should also help, although it could backfire if you overeat, as vomiting is a common symptom of excessive alcohol consumption.
As long as you’ve got a general idea of how much is too much, you’ll be fine, and don’t let anyone pressure you into drinking more than what you’re comfortable with.
Highly nutritional breakfast
We did say that overeating can be counterproductive, but having a strong, hearty breakfast can set your body straight like nothing else.
With a lot of protein, you’ll be back in shape in no time, and the nutrients you’ve lost from your body processing alcohol will be restored.
There isn’t exactly a be-all-end-all breakfast that’ll cure a hangover, and it really boils down to personal preference, but fatty foods seem to do the trick.
Eggs, avocadoes, buttered toast, and just about anything that’s going to fill you up will do the trick, but remember to back it up with some fruits and veggies as well.
Electrolyte drinks, the natural way
Few things can beat a 16oz Gatorade when you’re fighting a hangover, but that’s not to say you can’t find a quick and easy solution in your own kitchen.
Re-hydration is key, and with electrolyte drinks, you’re also restoring the salts and minerals you’ve lost throughout a night of heavy drinking.
The downside to drinks like Gatorade though, is the fact that they’re packed with artificial sweeteners and dyes, which are probably the last thing your body needs after going through 6 pints.
Instead, what you can do is whip up something that could potentially be found in grandma’s cookbook.
In a 16oz jug, mix water, half a lemon, a quarter teaspoon of Himalayan salt, and just enough raw honey to sweeten it.
Get a good workout in
Sweat is one of our body’s natural ways of cooling down, but what’s often overlooked is the fact that it also serves as a means of removing toxins.
Of course, no one’s asking you to go for a powerlifting session when you’re dealing with the mother of all headaches, but a short walk or jog will do just fine.
As long as you get your heart pumping at full capacity to get the blood flowing, you’re well on your way to getting rid of the hangover.
This will also help you take your mind off the fatigue, and if you just force it out at the start, you won’t have any trouble finishing this „workout”.
With your brain and muscles getting more blood and oxygen circulating through them, you may also feel that other symptoms have begun to subside and that hearty breakfast right after will taste like nothing you’ve had before.
Detox juice
Finally, we have the green detox juice, which serves as a temporary boost for your liver that’s been putting in hours of work while you were out having the night of your life.
Ideally, you’ll want to drink it fresh and as soon as you’re up and out of bed, but if you haven’t got a juicer at home, the local juice bar will have to do.
These „green” juices often contain spinach, parsley, kale, broccoli, ginger, and lemon, all of which are incredible at detoxification.
If there’s no other option, you could also resort to a tall glass of grapefruit or beet juice, as they’re also known to be incredible at cleansing the liver.
Generally, it’s best to avoid getting hungover, but we all need a release valve from time to time, and grabbing a few drinks with our favorite people is one of them.
Drink responsibly and within your capabilities and hopefully, you won’t ever need these tips. If you do end up pushing yourself a bit too far, just remember that your kitchen is loaded with solutions for the problems you’re dealing with.