Natural Toothache Remedies: Try This before Seeing Your Dentist!

We’ve all been there. You feel good, everything goes well in your life, and then, suddenly, out of nowhere it hits you like a truck!

First, it starts easily, but with time, it gets worse, and in the end, you’re left with only one choice. Paying a visit to your dentist…

But sometimes, it’s not that simple. Your dentist is out of the office, or you’re traveling. Maybe you’re low on cash. Maybe you found yourself in a remote area, and there’s no way of getting professional help…

Even more, maybe your appointment is scheduled for a day or two…

Painkillers don’t work anymore? Hitting your head against a wall?

Well, you might wanna try some natural remedies to ease your pain, at least till you get to your appointment!

Toothache… We all hate it.

Toothaches commonly arise from cavities, which occur when acids produced by bacteria erode tooth enamel, exposing the softer inner tissue and its nerve endings.

Additionally, tooth pain can stem from damage, pulpitis (inflammation of the tooth pulp), loose or broken fillings, or receding gums (gingivitis, periodontitis).

There are various methods and natural treatment options for toothache, including applying cold compresses, massaging acupuncture points with an ice cube, gargling with salt water, or using medicinal herbs.

As nature gives us alternative options for every medical state we find ourselves in, there are over 50 types of medicinal plants utilized in traditional oral health therapy and toothache treatment due to their potent phytochemicals that combat various infections!

Research indicates that many herbal components demonstrate anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties, akin to natural antibiotics.

While over-the-counter pain medications are the most popular form of pain relief, home remedies for toothaches are often just as effective in treating pain as pharmaceutical drugs.

Natural Remedies for Toothache

Before treatment, it’s important to understand the cause of the toothache to manage the pain effectively.

If the toothache isn’t due to a more serious condition, consider trying some of these methods or herbal remedies to reduce inflammation and experience relief from pain sooner.

However, it’s crucial to understand that these methods cannot replace the need for professional dental care, which can swiftly alleviate tooth pain. Sooner or later, you’ll have to pay a visit to your dentist.

Unfortunately, but hey, that’s how things are.

But you know it already. You are reading this for a different reason, and we’re here to help!

Here are some natural methods for treating toothaches:

Oil Pulling

This simple morning oral care routine involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes before spitting it out.

Regular use of this method helps reduce gum disease and tooth sensitivity.

You can use sesame or coconut oil to draw out toxins and prevent inflammation. Although the sensation isn’t the most pleasant, it would be probably much worse if you had to you sunflower oil, which we don’t recommend at all…

Why these specific oils?

Well, a 2009 study confirmed that oil pulling with sesame oil reduces tooth sensitivity and symptoms of gum inflammation or gingivitis.

Another study also supported the effectiveness of this natural method, showing that daily oil pulling with coconut oil reduces plaque buildup and gingivitis markers.

Saltwater Rinse

Not tasty at all, but saltwater can relieve pain from canker sores and sore throats, as well as toothaches.

It reduces swelling and can aid in healing, depending on the cause of the pain. Saltwater is a natural and safe way to remove unwanted bacteria and pus from the oral cavity.

Preparation is simple and quick – mix one teaspoon of salt in a cup of water, take a sip, and swish it around your mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit it out and repeat rinsing with salt water several times. Repeat the process as needed throughout the day.

As salt and pepper work well on food, this well known combo is a good team when it comes to pain relief as well!

Salt reduces pain, while black pepper promotes microcirculation and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Mix equal amounts of salt and ground black pepper, add a little water to form a thick paste.

Then, apply the paste to the affected tooth.

One thing you should note is that pepper can irritate gums, so avoid using this paste on your gums.

Baking Soda

Baking soda has an incredible number of household and medical uses.

For dental purposes, it is used for inflammatory conditions because it prevents gum bleeding, reduces acidity, and thus alleviates bacterial infections.

Simply soak a cotton ball in water and then in baking soda and gently press it against the affected area. You can also mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a cup of warm water and use it as a mouth rinse.

Ice Works Wonders

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medical practice for pain relief using various pressure points on specific parts of the body. To alleviate toothache, rub an ice cube between your thumb and index finger for a few minutes.

Cold compresses are another common type treatment for toothaches as coldness numbs the pain and can reduce inflammation and swelling, relieving sensitivity.

Wrap an ice pack in a towel, place it on the affected area, and hold it for about 10 minutes.

Cold compresses can provide temporary but quick relief for a painful tooth, as intense cold temporarily desensitizes the area.

Herbal Remedies

And now let’s dive into herbal remedies to help you reduce the discomfort!

Yarrow is an ancient folk remedy for toothache and various inflammations.

Fresh leaves and roots of the plant are utilized due to their pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. They are crushed or mashed to extract their juice, which contains beneficial properties.

Another wondermaker is turmeric!

Turmeric, which we include in many of our articles for its benefits, is a yellow spice and an  remedy for reducing inflammation that contains a powerful compound called curcumin, which can help alleviate pain.

A 2014 study showed that a turmeric plant extract was as effective as ibuprofen in reducing pain caused by knee osteoarthritis!

Make a medicinal paste by mixing turmeric powder with a little water, then rub it into your gums to reduce pain and tooth sensitivity.

Garlic is a traditional natural remedy for toothaches. You’ve probably heard your grandma at some point recommending garlic for basically any life issue you’re facing.

Although it won’t help you with your finances, love problems, and other problems life throws at you, garlic possesses powerful antibiotic properties that can prevent inflammation, inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria in the mouth, and protect problematic teeth.

To prepare the remedy, crush a clove of garlic, add a pinch of salt, and apply this paste to the tooth. If done several times a day, it should greatly reduce tooth inflammation.

Similar to garlic, onions have a long history of treating various conditions in folk medicine due to their antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which not only relieve pain but also kill the germs that cause infection.

Chewing raw onion or pressing a piece against the painful area is an excellent homemade remedy for toothache that can help alleviate symptoms for a while.

The hens and chicks, also known as succulent plant, are another old folk remedy, and its medicinal properties and resilience are best described by its Latin name, Sempervivum, meaning “always alive.”

It is used in folk medicine because of its anti-inflammatory, astringent, and diuretic properties.

It is applied in the form of juice, compresses, ointments, tinctures, or tea.

Hen and chicks have similar effects to aloe vera, which is known for treating various skin problems.

Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it provides quick relief and soothing.