- handful of dandelion greens
- handful of kale
- 1 large cucumber(peeled if waxed)
- 2 honey crisp apples (deseeded)
- handful of cilantro
Honey crisp apples are in season and can be found at almost every grocery store. I noticed the organic and non-organic honey crisps were very different physically. The non-organic honey crisps were much larger, shiner and without any blemishes. The organic ones were small and had lots of little blemishes. Ofcourse I bought the organic honey crisps. They are super sweet and delicious.
I found lots of dandelion greens in the yard this morning. The yard is pesticide free and safe to eat. I picked the greens along with a few flowers. I rinsed them well and let them soak in spring water before adding them to the juice.
Dandelion greens should be juiced using a twin gear juicer to get the most amount of juice. If you don’t have a twin gear and wish to juice them, put them together with other greens and then add them into your machine with an apple. Otherwise I highly recommend adding them to your smoothies.
Dandelion greens are herbs found in ancient Chinese medicine. The roots contain levulin and inulin which helps to regulate blood sugar. They also promote healthy liver and hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Dandelion greens are rich with antioxidants and minerals and have many health benefits.
“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray