Our hobbies can often define us, especially if said hobby demands a solid amount of time devoted to it.
Unfortunately, we’ve only got so much time in this world that juggling between work, family, and our own free time often leads to one of the three becoming neglected.
Many will choose work and family over the activities they enjoy, leading to a feeling of unfulfillment, which can tear relationships and marriages apart with ease.
Finding some fun activity to do with our loved ones can help bridge this gap and give you the necessary amount of joy that we tend to forget is necessary when focusing on our careers.
We’ve put together a list of some of the many activities you can enjoy with your significant other, although it’ll be up to you to explore what works best for you as a couple.
Cooking together
As a couple, getting your dietary choices synchronized is one of the key ingredients to leading a healthy relationship, and if you’re looking to add a new skill to your repertoire, cooking may just be the way to go.
Making food is no easy task though, and it’s precisely why restaurant kitchens are run by a team of highly-skilled chefs rather than a single person.
One can prepare the ingredients while the other handles the cooking, giving you a mess-free kitchen and cutting the meal preparation time in half.
Cooking becomes even more fun when you’re exploring dishes neither of you has made before, and it’ll bring you and your significant other closer than ever when you’re doing something new as a couple.
Naturally, all this work comes with a reward for your efforts, and you’ll be able to enjoy a wonderful meal together, knowing that your combined skills are what made it worth your while.
Arts and crafts
Similar to cooking, artistic hobbies can also involve a team of people working together towards a common goal, which is the creation of something beautiful.
From pottery to painting, practically anything can be done in pairs, and while it won’t necessarily include working on the same thing, comparing your results and laughing through the process is one hell of a bonding experience.
In fact, several studies have shown that couples who actively involve themselves in creative activities are much more likely to enjoy longer relationships and marriages.
On the other hand, not all art is creation, and if you’re looking for something different, maybe consider taking dancing classes together, giving the both of you a skill that’ll leave crowds stunned in social gatherings.
What’s more, finding hobbies like this is incredibly easy and accessible, as pottery and dance lessons are available in most areas, as long as you know where to look.
Talk about the things you love, with the whole world!
Listening to podcasts has become a staple activity for the average American, especially now that radio shows have practically become non-existent.
However, this has opened countless opportunities for everyone to share their interests with the world, and there’s nothing stopping you from including your significant other in this activity either.
Find the things you’re both passionate about and if you feel that the world needs to know about it, start a podcast focusing on that exact topic.
While this may start off as a small project, if enough people are interested, you could soon be sharing your thoughts with hundreds of regular listeners and even meet some people to share your hobbies with outside the podcast.
Apart from being an outlet for your creativity, podcasting can help you improve your communication skills and serve the purpose of being a digital record of all the things that bring you joy.
Cocktail crafting
As fun as cocktail bars can be, one night out on the town can really put a dent in your finances, and it’s been proven that financial problems are one of the main causes of relationships falling apart.
However, when you look at it, a cocktail is just a mixture of liquors and chasers you probably already have at home.
Sure, the bar atmosphere is missing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own.
If you’ve seen Tom Cruise’s 1988 movie „Cocktail”, you already know just how fun this activity looks, and it’s no secret we’ve all fantasized about making a career out of it.
That being said, we’ve come a long way from the 80s, and mixology classes are available online, sometimes even without any enrolment fees, and you could quickly become a pro at it, all from the comfort of your home.
Experiment with different liquors that you and your loved one enjoy and share your opinions on what could be done to improve upon some concepts.
Just remember to drink responsibly!
Explore the great outdoors
Nature is one of the greatest gifts given to mankind, and it’d be a shame to waste our best years exploring it solely through documentaries on channels like NatGeo.
The fact of the matter is, no matter where you live, you’re at most, only a few hours away from experiencing Mother Nature’s beauty first hand.
Whether it’s a hiking trail or a nice picnic spot, enjoying the great outdoors becomes twice as much fun when done with someone whose company you cherish.
Take turns choosing where you’re heading next and account for your partner’s wishes when planning your next trip and you’re sure to have a wonderful time.
The aforementioned cooking and artsy hobbies tie in with this very well too, as you can prepare simple meals for the trip together or even paint beautiful landscapes in tandem.
Final word
As long as you’re spending quality time with the ones you love, no time can be wasted, and you should put great effort into making these activities enjoyable for everyone involved.
It’ll help you create a release valve for all the stress you accumulate from work and home-related endeavors, giving you some much-needed relaxation and fulfillment on the weekends.