It’s been said that if a man consumes celery he will be more attractive to women. Sounds far-fetched, doesn’t it? But maybe not, since celery does contain androsterone which is a male hormone. It is released through perspiration.In ancient Roman times, celery was known as an aphrodisiac. Celery juice contains amino acids, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, vitamin A, tryptophan, molybdenum, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, and calcium.
Hippocrates called celery the “nerve calmer” because of its soothing effects. Celery’s important concentrations of plant hormones and its oils are what give celery its smell. These oils help to regulate the body’s nervous system. Celery is also effective for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, muscle pains, headaches, for treatment of dehydration, insomnia, inflammation, improving the immune system, diuretic activity, reducing asthma symptoms, treats rheumatism and arthritis. Celery juice contains phthalides and polyacetylenes, which are anti-cancer components that detoxify carcinogens. White blood cell activity is also enhanced by the coumarins found in celery juice.
Celery juice is one of the best hydrating foods. It equalizes the pH in our body because it is alkalizing. Celery juice is sodium-rich. This is not the same as table salt which is made up of insoluble compounds. Using table salt can lead to ailments such as hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, and other illnesses. The sodium found in celery is organic and soluble and allows the body to utilize the other vitamins and minerals that are taken in. When consuming celery juice, every cell in our body becomes perfectly hydrated.
The vitamins and minerals found in celery juice work in harmony with each other. The stems contain vitamins B1, B6, B, and vitamin C, plus folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acid while the leaves are very high in vitamin A. Use the whole celery stalk and leaves for your juice. The darker the celery the higher amounts of nutrients so remember that when selecting your celery. Also, be sure to get organic since celery is on the list of 12 foods that have the highest residues of pesticides.
Celery juice is excellent with carrots, apples, kale, spinach, beets, cucumbers and basically any fruits and/or vegetables because of its high water content. We also have an excellent apple celery juice recipe for you to enjoy.